Since the heat of the pandemic, Color had rapidly expanded to four different areas of healthcare - precision care, essential care, infectious disease, and behavioral health. With this expansion came an incredible amount of supply chain complexity. In the effort to streamline and simplify, I took an object-oriented approach to designing an integrated ordering service for our internal team.
1. Managing complexity with object-oriented mapping
2. Wireframes with consistent logic and organization
3. High fidelity mocks based on Color’s design system
With an organized architecture, building the hi-fi mocks were straightforward. I didn’t have to get inspiration from generic designs. I knew what to build and where. This makes a better design for two reasons:
1. Engineers program with the same object-oriented logic. When engineers implement the ordering tool, they can easily map the designs to backend data structures.
2. Users will make fewer errors. I proactively built in guardrails against common errors so that the supply chain team could rely on the tool for quality assurance.